Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Are you a No-Reply?

I'm completely blown away by the response to the Sew, Mama, Sew Giveaway Day
But i'm also blown away by the number of NO-REPLY bloggers :(

If I can't get in touch with you, i'm going to redraw a winner!

It takes 2 seconds to check 
There are some great tutorials here, and here (this one has pictures)

So please, please check it out, i'd hate to have to redraw a winner on Friday!!



  1. I've been shocked by that too! I may post something similar - ok?

  2. happens to me all the time! allowing blogger to 'show' your email won't show the whole world, just the owners of the blogs that you comment on. You might be missing out on great prizes or replies if you don't!

  3. That is very annoying when that happens and sometimes it can be as many as half of the people who comment!

    I'm hosting a new swap over at my blog if anyone is interested please pop over for a look =D

  4. I am going on the theory that these folks are only entering to be polite and don't want to win!

  5. I agree, such a big problem, especially when someone asks a question via the comments and you have no way to reply to them (and I wonder if people come back to the post to see if you've answered via the threaded comments)I used rafflecopter for Giveaway Day this time so hopefully I won't have to worry! I think lots of people have no idea that they are no-reply.

  6. I hear you, so totally annoying!


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