Monday, June 4, 2012

One Down, One to Go

Swoon Quilt that is..

This was the quilt from H-E-double hockey sticks..
block construction, no problem
sashing, no problem
borders, size was a pain but no problem
backing, no problem

quilting.. not even so bad
I marked the quilt using my trusty water soluble pen
because I knew with the size and pulling I'd never get my lines right
and I typically spray it with water before washing to remove most of the lines
yep, same as always, never had a problem

Well, we were at the beach house when I finished this and the washing machine there..
much smaller than at home.

I guess the quilt was tangled in itself, but there were blue lines over a third of the quilt
now.. they weren't there when I put it in.. the fabrics were pre washed so they didn't bleed..
I got nothing
Regardless, because of the size when I pulled it out I didn't see them so I threw it in the dryer
Anyone catching the drift?
Well, I was unaware that heat (dryer) will
set a stain!
due to the size I didn't dry this once, oh no, I dried it FOUR times

I'm sure you can only imagine the tears that ensued when I laid it on my parents bed
totally proud and relieved it was done to see blue lines 1" apart on an entire row of swoon blocks
Well, by some miracle.. mom to the rescue
We took it home, set to work, washing it 3 more times with some magic elixir she had
and was able to get all of the "water-soluble" pen off!

Will this deter me from using water soluble pens?
Probably not, but you can bet I will be double and triple checking it 
before it makes its way into the washer!


  1. What a beautiful quilt, in my favourite colours too! I'm so glad you managed to get the pen out. Phew!

  2. Oh my, the agony you must have gone through. I felt seriously queasy just reading your account... And I kept thinking of my soluble pen and how I'm sometimes a little sloppy removing it before washing... Hooray to your mum and her magical elixier.

    It's a beautiful quilt.

  3. oh my - I have never heard of such trauma with those pens!! SO sorry for what you went through, but relieved Mom saved the day! Your quilt, on the other hand is DONE and it is beautiful!!

  4. Jennifer! This quilt is so beautiful! I would have been devastated about the stains but what a happy ending!

  5. Oh, I'm happy you saved that beautiful quilt from the damage! I'm always so affraid to use any pens but sometimes we need them. That quilt is really beautiful! x Teje

  6. I'm so glad there was a happy ending to this story! Your Swoon is beautiful!

  7. Oh no!! How frightening! I'm so nervous about using pens on quilts, and now I know why. Glad that it got saved though because the final result is beautiful!

  8. It turned out so beautiful! And that must have given you quite a heart attack seeing those lines on your quilt! So glad your mom could save the day!

  9. One of the most beautiful Swoon versions I've seen. Well done!

  10. Gosh what an ordeal to go through. How strange they were in places you hadn't marked.
    Good thing that mums are always there to rescue us from problems like that =D

  11. thank goodness your mom was able to help you save it. it is so gorgeous

  12. Yeah for mom to the rescue!She needs a super woman cape:)
    I love this quilt. It just screams fun in the sun.

  13. Mom to the rescue! Tell me what she used in case that happens to me! I have a fear of that. I need to quilt my swoon top and need to use the I'm scared!

  14. Yay for your mum and the secret elixir! I can imagine how sick you felt when you saw the stain. A couple of years ago my husband tripped over while holding a bowl of tomato based pasta and of course - splat all over a blue and white quilt! It took ages to get those stains out. He still feels guilty, bless him.

  15. yoiks! I use a hera marker to mark quilting lines. No ink. Your quilt is lovely! glad it had a happy ending!

  16. Phew! Crisis averted. I'm sure that was terrifying. I've stopped using water soluble pens because of all these scary stories. I'm so glad your beautiful quilt was spared a horrible fate!

  17. Whew! Close call. That is SUCH a wonderful quilt.

  18. The quilt is beautiful! I'm so sorry about your stain challenge. I had that problem one time with a "washable" white chalk pencil on a black quilt. I was so angry. I'm glad you got it out!

  19. Gorgeous quilt! I'm glad you were able to fix the problem. It would definitely bring me to tears if that happened to my quilt. Your swoon is beautiful!

  20. I'm so glad your mom was able to help get the markings out. It's wonderful.

  21. LOVE your quilt, the colors, the pattern, very happy your Mom could rescue it !!
    I stopped using ALL these soluble/disappearing pens a few yrs ago ... just heard too many sad tales of re-appearances !

  22. so glad you had a happy ending for this beautiful quilt.

  23. Oh my gosh, what an almost horror story! It sounds a lot like the time I pulled out an old iron from storage and started to iron a quilt block... then noticed RUST water seeping out and all over my work! Yuck! Luckily I noticed it right away and just made a new block. Glad everything worked out for you!

  24. So glad to hear the story has a happy ending! Gorgeous quilt.

  25. So glad it worked out eventually! It's gorgeous!

  26. Oh man my heard sank a little when I read that you dried not once but 4 times. I am SOOOOO glad the marking came out, it is a gorgeous quilt.

  27. I have never used one of those pens because I have heard these stories before. I would love to know what the "magic elixer" was because then maybe, I might give the pen a try. It sure would help to make me try more than just a straight line of quilting. By the way. this is a gorgeous quilt.

  28. Nightmare! But I've also heard the horror stories before, so now I'm a Frixxion girl (which apparently may reappear if you stick your quilts in the freezer, but really, why would you?!)

  29. Hello fellow Swooner! Yours is absolutely beautiful. I had the same thing happen to a quilt that I sent to be longarmed. You can see her little blue marks all over it! :( Can you tell me what you did to get your marks out?

  30. Fab quilt, love the design and the colourway. I use disappearing pen all the time have for a few years and to date (touch wood) haven't had a problem, but I may think twice now :)

  31. Yay Mom! I love when they know how to fix stuff like that. :)

  32. so admiring your swoon quilt & really feeling the emotion of the blue quilting lines - but having experienced similar, I am dying to know what your Mum's "magic elixir" was that solved the horrendous dilemma. I have a quilt that has been half quilted for years that I 'ran' un-pre-washed red sashing by using the spray on the iron - I totally understand how devastating it is.


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