Friday, June 15, 2012

Follower Friday

We're back in action this week with another follower!


Name:  Lucy
Family: The most amazing husband, 2 wonderful kiddies and a beautiful cat (before you puke... he snores, they can cause havoc and the cat drools!)
Location: Manchester, UK
Twitter: @charmaboutyou but I seriously don't understand it or how it works!!
Etsy: not yet!


Day job: Mum
Dream job: I'm living the dream

What are you working on now? A million things. My priority is a baby quilt and finishing my Stained QAL, also working on my e.p.p. Rose Star blocks and any embroidery I can.


Place: So many! Toronto, Las Vegas, Florence, Paris, Colorado and obviously Manchester!
Movie: You've Got Mail (I just can't help myself!), anything with Fred Astaire, Paul Newman or Ryan Gosling in.
Food: I'd love to say something really healthy or interesting but it's pretty much Pizza or a Marmite and cheese sandwich!!
Way to spend a Friday night: Eating pizza watching any of the above films!

Fabric line: It's really hard to chose but I am in love with Lark by Amy Butler
Color: currently orange but forever pink and grey.
Designer: Denyse Schmidt, Anna Maria Horner, Tula Pink, Aneela Hoey, Joel Dewberry and Jay McCarroll

Project completed by you: I think it would be the'Does Not Compute' quilt I made for my son

Project when you need a quick finish: Any kind of little bag or some cute embroidery


Least Favorites:
Color: I don't seem to use a lot of red, although I do like it! I'm not a huge fan of purple but I have made a couple of purple quilts.
Fabric line:I embrace the fugly
Project completed by you: If I'm really honest I never really love anything I make, I think things always seem better in my head so I could pick any of my projects. Having said that there's always some aspects I do like and it's all about learning.

Big plans for 2012?
Make myself a quilt or two! I would really love to get round to some hand quilting when I eventually have one for myself - I'm not brave enough to do it on one I'm giving away! I have a few other things cooking as well :)

Thank you so much for having me on Follower Friday!

Lucy xx



Wow! Thanks Lucy!
Great Projects!

Our list of followers is starting to dwindle so
 I'm wondering if that means we should take summer hiatus?
I'm still taking volunteers
and I'll keep you posted on what I decide
If you'd like to be featured
email me at

Last day of school today!!!
(I dont count the teacher days next week, though I should)
Happy weekend everyone



  1. Thank you Jennifer!! Enjoy the end of school :)

  2. Hooray for Lucy! Great to see all of her gorgeous projects on here!!

  3. Lucy is brilliant. Thanks for featuring her.

  4. great to read all about Lucy: she is lovely

  5. Lucy is fabulous! I've got the Marmite on stand-by!

  6. Yay for Lucy - she is fab, I wish Manchester was nearer x

  7. Thanks for featuring Lucy..I'm headed over to her blog now to check it out!

  8. Great feature :) I've met Lucy in person and she is lovely!

  9. What a great interview! Lucy is such a fun blogger and how amazing is everything she does!?!!

  10. Great interview with Lucy! I love her blog and projects =D

  11. I was going to say I love Lucy right up till I got to the marmite and cheese sandwiches - eeeewwwwww!

  12. Whatevs, Katy. Her favorite movie is You've Got Mail. She's still alright in my book.

  13. YAY! I love learning more about Lucy. :)

  14. Lucy is wonderful, nice feature.

  15. Great feature! That Johnny Cash quilt will always be one of my favorites. I love You Got Mail too (and a few other cheesy ones that I won't name here :D). It is just one of those movies you can watch over and over again!

  16. Lucy is lovely on-line but even more lovely in person! She kept me laughing at FQR even when I didn't know why we were laughing!

  17. Yay! I love Lucy :-) Her blog is such a treat! She inspires and encourages me with all of her creative endeavors!

  18. Nice. Enjoyed learning more about Lucy!

  19. I love me some Lucy! Great feature!


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