Saturday, June 23, 2012


I'm trying to clean out and organize some of my sewing supplies, I came across this book "Spotlight on Neutrals" that I won in a giveaway not too long ago. If you're interested, let me know in the comments section, no charge for the book, just pay for shipping. Once I know where its going i'll get an exact cost for you.

Signed by the author

Let me know if you'd like it
I'm off to find more things to destash and organize! 



  1. The destash sounds like fun. I'll be watching out for what other things you find. Liking the new blog layout =D

  2. I am very interested. Brown is one of my favorite colors. I love earth tones.

  3. I have that book. It's got some beautiful patterns.

  4. I would love to have that one.


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