Friday, June 1, 2012

Fresh Sewing Day - May

May seems to have FLOWN by, just me? anyone else?
Regardless, I'm participating in Fresh Sewing Day.

This month I focused on my unfinished W.I.P. pile and was making a concerted effort to finish my quilt tops - I was able to complete 6 quilts total, there may be some in the mosaic that are unfamiliar.. next week :)

All in all, good month 
June should be just as good, I have 3 more quilts to complete
and numerous smaller projects

Make sure you head on over to see what everyone else was up to in May!


  1. Whoa! You finished six quilts this month?! It's taken me all year to get that far. Your May looks like it was full of beautiful projects :-D I'm totally inspired!

  2. Beautiful Quilts. What's the one called in the top left corner. so pretty! April@Little mama hen

  3. I love your swoon quilt!! Great job on your finishes!!

  4. Everything is beautiful, Jennifer! You are a machine!!

  5. 6 quilts! WOOHOO!!!!! You go girl. :)

  6. Congrats on an excellent month!
    Have a great day.
    Always, Queenie

  7. It actually did fly by! I want to know what happened to it. Great mosaic, loving the quilts =D

  8. Wow - you had a productive month!

  9. Love your swoon, love your zigzag, love your flower quilt....all lovely stuff. Good for you on such awesome progress!

  10. Yay for getting all those tops done!

  11. You had a great month!! Beautiful work!


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