Wednesday, September 19, 2012

W.i.P. and FNSI

I'm doubling up this week, my works in progress as well as what I want to accomplish this Friday night as part of the sew-in. Somehow, I always always miss this and i'd love to be able to join in!

Works in Progress-
1. 3x6 bee blocks - hoping to finish these this week

2. SS EPP work - trying to organize my template pieces/fabric pieces for mom and me at SS since I've roped Katy into teaching me since I couldn't get into the class

3. Travel Handmade - some mystery pieces :)

4. Indie quilt top - almost done!

Sounds that that should keep me busy - Also need to work on the mystery Christmas project (@knotted_thread) if you're interested on instagram, I found out that there are 97 days to Christmas today and I have A LOT to do.. 

On a different note, Toni is having a giveaway celebration, winner gets $30 to Knotted-Thread so go check it out!!

Happy hump day!!


  1. Enjoy FNSI - I used to do that pretty regularly, but haven't in a while...

  2. I was going to say something nice, until you mentioned Christmas!

  3. I am in love with your Indie quilt. And I can't participate in this month FNSI...we're going to a football in a small southern town. ;) Good luck with lots of finishes!

  4. What's the bee block??? Some kind of paper-pieced zigzag??

    Love that Indie quilt top. The colours are right up my alley.

  5. I never remember to FSNI, and I can't this week because my mum's up. Oh well, maybe I'll make the November one lol

  6. Some interesting looking WIPs there! Loving the quilt top! =D

  7. Indie quilt is looking great!! Glad you can still get some EPP teaching at Sewing Summit :)

  8. your quilt is looking good!there's always sew much to do!


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