Saturday, September 15, 2012

Exciting News!

Alright, so some of you may have noticed if you follow on Instagram
I had a VERY exciting mail day..

So... I guess I should explain?

Since moving out to Hawaii, I've been trying to find out what I want to do with my life
and I've always played around with the idea of opening a fabric shop.
I've always said "at some point"i'd love to open a shop.
Well, the move gave me the push I needed.

Steve and I sat down and had a LONG talk about the future, what we wanted, etc etc
and it was through that I realized.. what the heck am I waiting for!?

So I made the jump and started doing all the necessary paperwork to make this happen
Now, everywhere obviously starts small,
as anyone who has ever opened there own business knows
but I have my eye on some lines through the end of the year
and i'm really excited about making this happen and watching it grow.

So, we're starting off with some Riley Blake
I've listed the small dots and medium tonal chevrons in the shop
I have the white medium chevrons coming as well, but one box didn't get delivered today so I don't have them all yet.
I do have some, so if you're interested, just ask :)

If you're still with me, you'll be glad you are!
For all of my fabulous followers and the support you have all given me
i'm offering you a discount for the grand opening weekend
So head on over and check things out in the shop
10% off using the code grandopen1 

There's also a widget for it on my right sidebar

Keep an eye on the blog both for my personal blogging and more discounts 


  1. MANY congratulations Jennifer! How exciting. I just popped over to your shop and I'll definitely follow your progress. And girl, you are offering some super reasonable shipping to Canada which I so appreciate!

  2. Awesome! I'm so excited for you & wish you the best!

  3. oh my word, that's just awesome!! Congrats! I am heading over there now...those chevrons are callin me :o)

  4. Congratulations! That's a big step .. and as usually I feel a bit bad not goign on a litle shopping spree but international shipping has me pretty much scared off ... That's of course my fault for living where I do ... but I wish you all the best!

  5. Ah Jennifer Congratulations on opening a shop...well done. I am so jealous that you have done what you have always wanted to do AND that you are living out in Hawaii. I'm always a sucker for Chevs so will go over and have a peak

  6. Awesome, Jen! Congrats. I'll definitely be checking it out :o)

  7. Huge congratulations.
    I hope that your new venture goes really well.
    I love those chevrons and almost certainly need to get some of those from you soon.
    Kind regards

  8. Woohoo, congrats! I'll get Laura to go past your house when she stops over in Hawaii on the way to SS to kidnap some ;o)

  9. Well done ! I wish you great success!

  10. Eeee! SO exciting! And that's awesome that Steve is supportive too!

  11. Congrats Jennifer! I just took a peek - I love the bundles you out together!

  12. Wow congratulations!! Loving those prints..soon I'll be able to afford to buy some!! =D

  13. Congrats Jennifer!!! How exciting! A quilt shop is in my future plans one day too. Keep us posted!

  14. So exciting! Congratulations on your new venture. Those two-tone chevrons are fabulous!

  15. Wonderful news! Here's to lots of success! I'm on my way over to place an order!

  16. So exciting! Congrats! :) I think these will be the perfect prints to start with.

  17. Congrats! I love Riley Blake! and your prices are super reasonable!

  18. yayayayayayayayaaayayay~! so so excited for you!


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