Saturday, September 8, 2012


So this week in Hawaii our kids have been in school for about 6 weeks, back at home in New Jersey.. they're just starting - very weird. 
Anyway, this Thursday I arrive at school at approximately 7:15am to find that my classroom (aka trailer with one tiny window) has no power. Weird. I come to find out the entire school is out. Well, kids and teachers start arriving only to find out that we're turning back around, calling parents and putting kids back on buses. WOOHOO!

I was back at home by 9:15am. Fabulous. No school= unexpected sewing day!!!

Remember these?

Well, they quickly turned into this yesterday

A 30th birthday present for a neighbor :)

I also was able to get some work done on my Mystery Christmas project 
(@knotted_thread on instagram if you're interested)

and I cut into my Indie for a new quilt.. whew!

Now, if only I had actually worked on bee blocks and other commitments...

Oh well, unplanned days off are the best 
Boyfriend and I were planning on going to Hana and hiking this weekend
but we found out there is a relay with 200+ teams
which means 200+ slow moving support vehicles from Kahalui to Hana
on a 2 lane highway with windy roads..

Think we'll postpone that till next weekend :)


  1. Bonus free days are the best! Enjoy your extra time this weekend now too :oD

  2. Jennifer - I'd like to make a memory quilt in honor of someone who just passed away, when you make the t-shirt quilts have you found it necessary to stabilize the knit shirts at all? Also do you put a batting layer or do you just sew front/back together and flip it right side out? Thanks!!! (and I'm totally jealous you're in Hawaii)

  3. oh that surprise day sounds like great fun! lucky you!

  4. Bonus days are the best kind - you really got a lot accomplished. Love the Indie. Great gift for your neighbor

  5. what a fun surprise! love the quilt and i am super jealous of your pile of indie! freaking love that fabric!

  6. Wow that was lucky! Such a great quilt finished up in one day too! Loving the stack of fabrics for the Indie quilt! =D

  7. There is NOTHING better than unexpected sewing day. You made the most of it!

  8. I love a surprise sewing day, I so need one too!

  9. Awesome surprise! I totally would have been sewing too. You're smart.

  10. Lovely quilt!! I'm in hawaii from 7-10 October - on oahu. would love any suggestions! I'm staying in diamond head. :)


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