Friday, September 14, 2012

Follower Friday - Penny P.

We're at it again this week, 
can you believe we're halfway through September already!?

This week we have

Name: Jenn aka Penny Poppleton
Family: Husband (Mr Poppleton) and daughter Piper (13 months)

Location: Sydney Australia
Instagram: pennypoppleton

Day job: Stay at home mama and type-A organizer of everything possible!
Dream job: Writer…well, a published writer! I write mostly YA novels. I’m six manuscripts in and finally feel like this one might be “the” one!

What are you working on now? I just wrapped up the Seven Day Quilt (a sample for a local shop moving into modern fabrics to display), two Swoon pillows (wedding gifts for friends) and am about to start a challenge with a friend to use up my Terrain fabric! I also put a lot of time into the Sydney Modern Quilt Guild – getting it up and running and making sure everyone’s questions are answered! Whew!

Place: My newly renovated house, or the coffeeshop just down the road! (I drink a lot of coffee.)

Movie:  Love, Actually. It is super cheesy but the writing is just amazing and the characters are so well-formed.
Food: Pasta. Anything pasta. Add bacon and I’m yours forever.
Way to spend a Friday night: Curled up watching Star Wars with my husband! We are very nerdy. I like making fun of Luke.

Fabric line: Do I have to choose just one? :) Mendocino by Heather Ross. But I love lots and lots more.
Color: I don’t have a favorite color but my stash is very heavy on the blues and greens!
Designer: Anna Maria Horner. She is a genius. I want to meet her someday!

Project completed by you: I love my Mendocino quilt. I made it for myself and it is so bright and different – no white as a background!  It also took a lot of self-control to make the wonky blocks. I love straight lines!

Project when you need a quick finish: I am a huge fan of using my stash of precuts (charm squares and layer cakes) to do disappearing nine-patches. There is so much variety and they come together super fast!

Least Favorites:
Color: I tend to avoid purples and reds when I shop for fabric. It has been a hurdle this year building that part of my stash but I know a well-rounded stash makes a happy quilter!
Fabric line: I really want to like the Dr Seuss prints, but they don’t resonate with me at all! I actually don’t care much for any novelty print. And is this heretical or what, but I don’t like text prints at all!
Project completed by you: The first baby quilt I ever made. I used poly blend fabric, and didn’t mind my seam allowances, and I tied it to quilt it. Of course, it started to fall apart in no time! It was for my nephew and I ended up begging for it back so I could remake it with Kona solids, proper seam allowances, and some actual quilting! It’s on my list.

Thanks for letting me yammer on! I love reading Knotted Thread and always find so much inspiration from reading about your projects! :)

Thank you for joining us Penny!
If you have Instagram, I definitely recommend following Penny,  she's fabulous
and if you get a chance check out her flickr, she gave me free reign on pictures and it was SO hard not to just use pictures everywhere!!

Hope everyone has a fabulous weekend,
we'll be back next week with another Follower Friday!

If you'd like to participate,
please email me at


  1. So fun to meet Penny! And her house totally looks like it should be in a magazine!

  2. Love those quilts, and I want that house...

  3. Piper is such a cutie-pie babe! And the quilts are wonderful too!
    Have a great day.

  4. Her quilts look amazing!! I love her house that cabinet would be perfect filled with fabric =D


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