Wednesday, November 21, 2012


I feel like my W.i.P. list is on perpetual repeat and most of you have already seen this progress before, but here goes nothing.. I've decided to move things on the list until "After Christmas" because I know they won't happen until I get back from visiting family.

In Progress - 
1. Hurricane Sandy Relief Project - original post here, flickr group here. Blocks are winging their way across the globe as well as completed quilt tops! Deadline to mail is this Sunday, November 25th!!

2. Infinity scarves - no progress.
3. Swoon - no progress.
4. Surprise Christmas Project - in progress.

Finished Projects:
1. Vintage Holiday  (full post after the holidays)
2. Hurricane Sandy Quilts

3. EPP Wallhanging

4. Thanksgiving Table Runner (post on Thursday)
5. do.good quilt  - October blocks

After the Holidays
1. 3x6 bee blocks- Sampler hive - no progress.
2. Road to Tennessee quilt- no progress.

Finished: 4
In Progress: 4
New: 0
Total: 4

I'm linking up with Lee

On a different note, be sure you check out the shop on FRIDAY
I'll be having a Black Friday sale!
20% all fabric
12am- midnight EST!
code - Friday20



  1. You've gotten more done than anyone I know. Great idea for the 'after Christmas' project list! That do.Good quilt is something else! nice.

  2. love the do good and hurricane quilts!!! such a nice thing to do and done so nicely. :-)

  3. Your epp wall hanging is just lovely. The radiating line quilting really makes the piecing stand out and I love that the pieces are almost, but not quite standard hexies. Great twist!

  4. I think you are doing great. I have items that are forever on my to-do list. Perhaps because I keep adding more projects. Lol

  5. Love the look of the do.good quilt! Bright and pretty - beautifully done!

  6. Gorgeous Jen! I especially like the do.good stitches one too :o)

  7. Very productive week there, go you! Have a great day tomorrow :o)

  8. Wow! Good for you. I really like how you laid out the colors in your do.good quilt. Very striking!

  9. Those Hurricane Sandy quilts are beautful. So is the do.good quilt!

  10. You've made great progress, Jennifer! Love the do.good quilt!

  11. I love your do.good quilt, it´s great.


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