Friday, November 2, 2012

Follower Friday - Dhia

Well, if you're on the east coast or have family on the east coast, i'm sure the week has been dragging for you like it has been for me. If you have time and can make a block or two to help the families affect check it out here.


Name: Dhia        
Family: A very supportive husband, 2 dogs, 2 cats, 2 turtles, and a bunny that lives in a spacious bunny mansion outside.
Here is a picture from our recent trip to the Grand Canyon. Left to Right Me, my husband and my mom. I was forced to wear the dumb hat due to concerns of heat stroke and death!
My beagle/lab mix Vinnie with hand made doggie bed
My beagle Daisy
I won’t bore you with pictures of the other critters. Its more of the same, some spoiled animal snoozing/naping/lounging/sleeping on some flat surface of my house.
Location: I’ve lived all over. I grew up in Pennsylvania, went to college in Virginia. I stayed there after I graduated for 6 years in various parts of the state. I met my husband there who was stationed in Norfolk with the Navy. The Navy moved us to Ohio and when my husband retired last year we relocated to Wisconsin. As of now we live in Southern Wisconsin, which although South is still very very cold.
Twitter: Nope
Etsy: Nope
Day job: Regional customer service and implementation for a large scientific company. I travel mucho.
Dream job: Anything that would allow me to save the word through science, stay at home and get paid like a rock star. Anyone know what that might be?
What are you working on now?
Many things, Since I travel so much I don’t get alot of time with my machine. As a result I have been working on this for many months since I can carry this with me on the plane. It’s grown since I last photographed it. The stars are finished and I completed the black area around the border between the stars. Net step will be to extend the black area to enlarge the quilt.
This is a quilt I started for my friend Megans first baby. She didn’t want to find out the sex of the baby before it was born. The baby was born three weeks ago and was a beautiful baby girl. The quilt is now twice this size an I have two more rows to add. I have no excuse for not beating the baby on this as she stayed in her momma for over 42 weeks. Ironically the babys grand mother used the same 10 little thing owls print from moda to make the baby a quilt. Goes to show you its hard to get a good gender neutral baby print.

Another deadline I sadly missed. I started this wedding quilt for my friend Ian’s second wedding. I got the top done and the quilt basted and the quilting started before he got married but have been stalled. I blame it on choosing a too puffy batting and making the mistake of trying to quilt in the ditch on all these lines. I sew and sew but progress is slow.

I blame this quilt for my stash being so pink heavy. This quilt is for my sister in law. She doesnt know about it so there is no deadliine. Most likely christmas 2050.

My step daughters decided they wanted a quilt of their own. I started this one for Gabby, she wanted a red and blue quilt. I am about 8 squares in. The other two haven’t been started yet. Christmas is not looking promising for these three.

And just to make things interesting I am organizing a 2.5” postage stamp swap, a blogger block of the month that I am making blocks for and I just started the scappy stash QAL with Ellison Lane Quilts. In conclusion some day all this stuff is going to come together gloriously. Until then I am the queen of the WIP.
Place: I really love home, spend so much time away from it, happy to sleep in my own bed and enjoy a suitcase free existance.
Movie: Gone with the wind
Food: I love mexican, we need more god places in Wisconsin!
Way to spend a Friday night: Snuggled up with my sweetie on the couch
Fabric line: I don’t think I can pick just one. I really love some of the prints in Lucy’s crab shack, anything by art gallery fabrics and this one I could not pass up. They are so cute they melt my heart like drawn butta! I paid retail suggested price for this bad boy and shipping.
Here is two I am lusting after by Laurie Wisbrun but haven’t give in yet cause its a little too pricey for me. Oh La Llama and Holiday Llamas (pictures from Lauries website feel free to send me some!)

Color: I love them all!
Designer: Art Gallery and Dear Stella I tend to buy alot of.
Project completed by you:  Completed???? Ha!
Project when you need a quick finish: Baby Rag Blankets. I crank them out pretty quick. The one below was for baby cameron. I am up to five or so completed and gifted.

Least Favorites:
Color: Brown, just can’t get into it.
Fabric line:  I cant pick one as my least favorite.
Project completed by you: Completed???? Ha!

Thanks Dhia for participating!!
As always, if you'd like to be featured
email me at

I'm off to tackle my massive list of projects
for the holidays..
Also, nominations are open for Amy's bloggers quilt festival.
i'm number 267 if you're so inclined :)
Also, go vote! Pretty please?


  1. Such a fun post its good to see someone else with a stack of half finished items!

  2. Oh the sister-in-law's quilt looks great!


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