Monday, January 14, 2013

Slow Start 2013

So, I'm not sure if its because i'm coming off the Hurricane Sandy project, or going back to work after 17 days off, or just that its ridiculously warm here (I know, I know, i'm not complaining, but its too warm) but my sewing machine has stayed VERY quiet. It helps that we brought a new friend home last week, so i've been a bit distracted..

I'm finding that i'm much rather lounge on the couch with my EPP work.. so that's what i've been doing.

I started a new project after seeing Emily's gorgeous quilt I decided I needed to make one. So I did :)

As of today I have 21 of these "hexie snowflakes" as Emily calls them

and more in progress..

Alright, well i'll try to find my creative mojo soon, I have ohhhh.. a million ideas circling and many projects half started or pieces cut, sitting and waiting.. I need to get cracking! :)


  1. Wow Jen, they look absolutely stunning. Hope you get your sewing energy back again soon, but seriously they must make you happy!

  2. Love the way those 'snowflakes' fit together. It's going to be a great quilt.

  3. The snowflakes look amazing! Loving the pup, too :)

  4. After the end of year you have had, I say that you sit on that sofa and do your EPP if that's what you want to do! Such a pretty quilt and I love your new friend :-)

  5. Welcome to your sweet, new friend! Hope to see her/him often here! I adore your hexagons! They are so beautiful!
    I hate hot summer. Now we have winter here in Greece and often it's around +8 till +15 C, but today I'm quilting outside in the shadow, because sun is too hot! Happy week to you with your new friend! x Teje

  6. Yeah, I'd say you were busy enough in Nov/Dec to deserve a bit of a break! I love the hexy snowflakes, and once again am amazed at how fast you crank those suckers out!

  7. Sheesh, halfway through the month already and not even a new quilt yet, how lazy ;o) The hexies are looking great though, love the tessellation

  8. I think you deserve the sit-down work for sure & you're still working on a project you enjoy - go for it!

  9. Some pretty slow progress here too in the new year. It'll come back though, I'm sure of it! The pup is cute. :)

  10. Your sweet little doggy looks so nice!! whats his name?? (her name?)

  11. Oh I love those snowflakes, they are going to make a fabulous quilt. Just because the sewing machine isn't on doesn't mean you're not productive! Look at all you've done :)

  12. Congrats on the new addition! What a sweet face!

    I just pinned your hexies snowflakes! Ratz! another new project!

  13. These are gorgeous! I haven't attempted a hex project yet, but if I did, I'd love to follow your example!

  14. I have not been that interested in hexie projects...UNTIL NOW! Those snowflakes are precious. :)

  15. I love your snowflakes and how they're fitting together like a jig-saw puzzle! I think slow can be awesome. :) I really need slow work in between my other projects to help let my creative energy recharge a bit. Have fun with your hand work!

  16. I think this is going to be a gorgeous snowflake quilt. I find sewing all the flowers (in your case snowflakes) together is a little confusing. I have resorted to masking tape to keep them organized!

  17. Looking like a great start!


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