Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Hurricane Sandy Quilts

I felt this was appropriate for a New Years post,
the quilting community is something i'm very proud to be a part of.

I wanted to make sure I showed each of the quilts that were made and gifted
I still have 2 quilts to finish and more blocks for at least one more.. 
But these are the ones that we have and were delivered already!

I love this quilt, it was made by one of our stitchers students!
They each signed their name to the bottom block

Then, one of the quilters Rebecca sent along this quilt that she wanted to donate as well

And this one (still need to finish)

Phew! I personally loved seeing them like this..

Each and every quilt was absolutely stunning..
Just so you can see though, when we were delivering we decided to drive around Manasquan, NJ
which is about 40 miles north of Seaside (where the most destructive areas were) - residents are only now gaining access to Seaside so I couldn't show you that..

But here are some pictures of what Manasquan is looking like... 2 months after the storm.

you can see how high the water was..

They've come a long way... but theres a long way to go.
Thank you to everyone who helped me in this project, 

Happy New Year everyone!!


  1. YOU made a huge difference. People like you making the effort is so important. It would be wrong of us to ignore the call to arms for help.

  2. A beautiful collection which I'm sure brought comfort to the recipients :o)

  3. so many quilts and such a worthy cause, well done!

  4. You are working so hard on this project and I know the destruction, I lived in Long Island most of my life and a relative has lost their home and living in temp housing at the moment. They will rebuild, you must get such great satisfaction and that is why you continue to make these beautiful quilts.

  5. Wow, this is overwhelming - to see all the quilts and to see all the devastation...thanks so much for sharing with us & including us from day one....

  6. Thanks for sharing the photos and especially thank you for organizing this project. The photos show there is more work to be done but I am glad we all were able to give a little bit of comfort to the people of NJ.

  7. That's so great. Thank you for sharing all these pictures.

  8. Thank you so much for sharing the photos of the quilts Jen. I'm glad too, to have been part of this project that you organised. The quilts must have been so comforting to the people who had lost their homes.

  9. This is amazing! Well Done you! I remember the first blocks I ever made were for a similar project to help people after the Queensland floods in Australia.

  10. Jennifer, the quilts are all beautiful and I am sure they made many very happy and made them feel that they were not forgotten. Have you heard, residents have been let back into some areas again. That is a positive start to the new year.


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