Sunday, August 12, 2012

Weekend Recap

Something about this place
maybe its the island aspect, makes me feel like i'm on a perpetual vacation
and in thinking that.. the lack of sewing is ridiculous

Instead of sewing,
This is how I spent my weekend..

Gotta love the awkward, backwards camera pictures
Friday was date night in Lahaina

Maui has "Maui Fridays" every Friday night
Lahaina is the 2nd Friday of every month
The restaurants offer awesome deals and live entertainment in the streets
definitely something to experience!

Saturday was a beach day :)

Sea turtles close enough you could touch

don't worry we didn't !

Starting to see my problem with the perpetual vacation?
If you follow on instagram I've been showing some work that I am doing
Holiday work though so I can't blog about it!

I'm locking myself in the apartment today and getting some sewing done

Have a great week everyone 


  1. What a great weekend! Thanks for sharing your pics, so beautiful! Gotta love the turtles, I got to be close to some once when I when snorkling off a cruise.... Sending out my I Spy charms tomorrow :)

  2. Wow- I love Maui,been 3 times, and would give anything to live there! But here I am stuck in the UK so its great to see your pictures of the places I know. You have some nice quilt shops too!
    Heather x

  3. Great pics! It's the tail end of Winter here in Australia and I could do with a bit of sun.

  4. I totally understand the problem! But really, enjoy it while you are there!! Sounds like heaven on earth!

  5. Really, I can't think what's distracting you from the sewing there...

  6. wish i lived next door to you. if you ever make it to oahu, please eat some lemon shrimp for me from the shrimp bus! please!

  7. Wow I can see why you'd get so easily distracted! =D

  8. Looks like you're adjusting well to island life. :)

  9. Don't stress about lack of sewing. Go off and have a fantastic time! Quilting will be there when you go back to freezing Jersey :)

  10. Been thinking about you!! I just loved it for a visit, I just cannot imagine living there!! Just enjoy! I won't leave ya if your not sewing!!!

  11. Absolutely gorgeous. Hawaii is my favorite place that I've been so far.


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