Wednesday, August 1, 2012

July Round-Up

Well, personally July was a HUGE month between the move, ending one teaching job and starting another (whoever says teachers get summers off has NOT met me..) Anyway - sewing related, I was able to tie up a lot of loose ends on projects at home and accomplish a good amount

1.  do.good July blocks 2. polaroid blocks 3. TBA 4. We Bee Modern Too july blocks
5. Hawaii (just because) 6. Naughty Secretary Bag 7. Halloween ABC Sampler
8. Poinsettia pins 8. I-spy pouch

I also started an I-spy swap in July,
sign-ups are still going on so be sure to check it out and sign up
open to international swappers
(you have the option to ship directly to me)

I'm linking up with Fresh Sewing Day!


  1. You are one busy lady, Jennifer! I was in teaching for ten years, and I never got a summer off either! :)

  2. Great makes, but you can go off people that post pics like #5... ;o)

  3. Fabulous accomplishments...especially during a move. Katy is too funny!!

  4. Busy, busy, looks like you've got a lot done this month. I especially like the Halloween ABC Sampler.

  5. beautiful makes and that sampler is just amazing!! I so wish I was in Hawaii and not rainy Manchester!

  6. Great set of projects, even with the move you got a lot done. Hope my fabrics reach you soon =D

  7. Lovely makes you've got there - lovely fabrics used too!

  8. Oh yeah, "teachers get so much holidays!" *cough cough* In Australia our school year is different from America, with 3 x 2wk holidays throughout the year and then 6wks or so over Christmas/our summer. Of the 2 week holidays, you spend 1 week winding down/getting sick/in bed, and 1 week getting ready for the next term! ANYWAY!
    I love that bag! I'm sure your mum is a very good and proper secretary ;)

  9. You got all this done with a move?!? Amazing!

  10. lots of nice projects! That's pretty cool, considering your move & all!

  11. love your circle block, it reminds me that I have one to work on myself.


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