Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Precious QAL

I'm a bit late out of the gate on this one, but I realized when I was working on my 
(D)ouble (W)adding (R)ing Quilt that the fabric I was using fit into this category! 

I decided to use "Fandango" by Kate Spain
I came across this fabric after they stopped producing it (of course)
but I was able to get my hands on some nice sized pieces

Then, the ever fabulous Jess offered to add to my Fandango supply

And here is where we're at - 22 arcs pieced, only 58 to go
unless I decide to make a bigger quilt, then I need more..

I'm so excited to see this quilt come together, it's so bright and cheery!
Happy Tuesday


  1. You've made great progress!! I have one I'm making (same pattern) from my scrap bin and I've had to put it aside for some projects I have to do and I'm dying to work on it again!

  2. Oooh, it looks lovely and bright and summery and Hawaiian!

  3. The fabrics are gorgeous! I hate it when fabrics you want become so hard to find!! =D


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