Thursday, August 2, 2012

Testing, Testing..

I've fallen into a bit of a sewing slump, not sure if its a result of the move, new place, new sewing space, etc etc but I did have some commitments i've been working on I wanted to show..

Julie over at Distant Pickles put out a request a few weeks ago for some pattern testers. I jumped at the  chance, especially when I saw her pattern..
After having such a great time with the Retro Flowers
i jumped right in.. 

I actually printed the pattern, chose my fabrics and boxed it up, the day before I moved
so it arrived once I was settled with my machine and ready to go
Here's what I came up with..

I chose to keep it small and do the baby size quilt
despite initial trouble with the template size (Julie's worked out the kinks!)
it was a great pattern and came together relatively quickly

I'd definitely recommend it when Julie makes it available
I love how it gives you the chance for contrast in your colors
but both the blue and yellow (in my case) are dominant and stand out!

Julie has graciously offered to give a pattern to one of you!
All you need to do is leave me a comment.
That's it!
Giveaway will be open until Wednesday August 8th
7:30am PST 

Good luck!


  1. I do love how both the blue and yellow pop!

  2. That is lovely! The colours are gorgeous :)

  3. such a fun pattern, would love to make one too!

  4. Echoing everyone else's sentiments - the colors are fantastic! I saw a few others on Flickr... this pattern is pretty cool - kind of modular no? Thanks for sharing!

  5. Fabulous! I love both versions!
    Julie's blog is new to me! I'm off to check it out!

  6. Beautiful pattern! I'd love to make this!

  7. Fab quilt! I love it in both color ways! I'd love, love, love to give this a try :)

  8. Love this quilt and the colors are great!! Can't wait for this pattern to come out :o)

  9. Looks amazing. I would love this pattern
    Thanks for the chance to win.

  10. Awesome quilt! Honestly, I'm afraid of curves but I'd sort of like to try. Actually I have tried before but feel like I REALLY don't know what I'm doing. Thanks for the chance.

  11. I am sure this will turn out amazing as your Retro Flowers! Seeing your finished Retro flower quilt made me jump up and try it out. Now, I'll have to follow you with this one too! :)

  12. Such a fun pattern! I love curves!

  13. I love this quilt and I'd love this pattern! :)

  14. Wow!! I really love this quilt pattern!! You did a beautiful job and your blue nad yellow fabrics are wonderful.
    Have a great day.
    Always, Queenie

  15. Woah! For reals? I love that quilt pattern. And your tester in blue and yellow makes it pop!

  16. Really cute pattern! Thanks for sharing!!

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  19. What a cool quilt pattern! Thanks for a chance to win! :)

  20. The blue and yellow is beautiful, my favourite combination! Great quilt pattern too.

  21. This looks great! I have no idea what colors I would use if I won the pattern...!

  22. Super cute! I'd love to try curves

  23. Love the baby quilt!! Great colours! You are the queen of curves :)

  24. lovely! i love your fabric choices! i saw julie's in person and it is a stunner:) would love to try it

  25. Wow, this looks great! The curves make me nervous but I'd love to try this pattern. :)

  26. You did great job.The quilt is just beautiful and love your fabrics combo.

  27. Your quilt is lovely -- great color choices!

  28. it's a great pattern! Beautiful testing job! :)

  29. fantastic pattern - and you can't go wrong with blue and yellow - great choice

  30. LOVE this pattern! You were so lucky to be a pattern tester. Thanks for the chance to win!

  31. Fingers crossed... fingers crossed... hope I win... hope I win... Love your color choices. Julie definitely has a winner there. Now I'm stalking all of you who finished so that I can win the pattern and seeing a lot of purdy quilts!

  32. You were so lucky to be a pattern tester! I'd love to win a copy of Julie's pattern.

  33. Beautiful. I love the modern look but with the traditional piecing. Great combination.

  34. Looks like a really great pattern. Love the design.

  35. this is a great pattern that I love to do. Your quilt to become spectacular

  36. Totally digging this quilt!! Thanks for sharing ;-)

  37. I love this pattern. Yours turned out fantastic!

  38. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. I messed my comment up so I am putting it here I hope it works. I love the pattern it is really modern. I would like to make it for my daughter. Thank you for the chane.

  39. I had made Bree's pattern and would love to give this one a try next! ;) Yours turned out beautiful!

  40. WOW what a great pattern...looks great in the blue and yellow

  41. Love this pattern. Haven't tried curves yet, but they seem doable here. Thanks!

  42. JUmping over from Julie's blog--hoping to score! Your color choices are fab--I think this pattern might be a winner in any color combo!

  43. Totally dig this pattern and your color choices are groovy.

  44. Have to add this to my to do list. i love both colorways. im thinking of pink/orange and purple or green

  45. This is just GORGEOUS!! I would love to give this a try.

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