Tuesday, August 21, 2012


So I realized today.. that YESTERDAY was my one year anniversary of blogging -- ironic since i've been feeling that i'm in a slump, its only fitting I actually miss the day completely.. whoops!

Story of my life haha

Well, since I'm not a sponsored blog or anything
but I would like to say THANK YOU
to everyone who has supported me, inspired me and helped me grow
both personally and quilty related, 
I would like to do something for you.

So, simply leave a comment
and i'll let the winner give me 3 options
(fabric, pouch, etc etc.)
of something they'd like and i'll choose one to go forward with..

And because no post is complete without a picture, 
this is what my view was on my drive to work..

I don't think i'll ever get used to the sugar cane burning
I freaked out the first time I saw it
Now, if I don't see it twice a week thats a lot..
The school I work at is less than a mile from that
makes for a very smokey morning

One entry per person.
Open until Sunday August 26th
8pm PST



  1. Happy Anniversary! Wow, that burning sugar cane is amazing!
    Boppiesgirl at gmail dot com

  2. Happy Anniversary, Jennifer! It's very nice of you to offer your readers a gift! Thanks!

  3. Not commenting to win...just saying YAY to anniversary. The way you blog and quilt, I would have thought it was much longer!!!

  4. As odd as this sounds, every time I read your blog, I click on you pic to make sure you are not my sister. The resemblembance is amazing. She is beautiful too! For a while I thought she secretly had a blog since her name is Jennifer as well. Congrats on the anniversary!!!


  5. Happy Blogiversary! Is that how you spell it? Holy cow, those pics look like mini tornadoes to me! Cheers, Francine

  6. Happy Anniversary. Thanks for the chance to win a prize!!

  7. I can't believe you've only been blogging for a year. Your blog is amazing!! Happy Anniversary :)

  8. Congrats to you, Jennifer! I hope you find your way out of the slump...I know how that can be. One year is definitely something to celebrate!

  9. first glance i thought it was a twister! hope you've had a fun year. i've enjoyed your blog :)

  10. Happy one year blogaversary! I hope you get out of the slump. I know how that feels. I'm hoping mine lifts when school starts. Cheers!

  11. Oh wow, that's quite the sight! Sugar cane, hey? What's the purpose of that?

    Happy Blogiversary!!

  12. Happy blog-iversary! I didn't realize it was only a year, you have such great things on your blog!

  13. Congrats! Happy blog birthday :) It's been so nice getting to know you over the past year!

  14. Happy Blog Anniversary! I love reading your blog!

  15. Oh thanks for the chance! I tried to comment earlier but it never told me if it went through, if it did please just delete one.

  16. Happy Blogiversary!! I didn't know they burned the sugar cane... why? Anyways - wonderful giveaway - I would love to win something that would you make 'specially!

  17. You make gorgeous things and are a great addition to the blogging world for the inspiration your provide. Thanks!

  18. Congrats! That picture is scary...does it smell good though? :)

  19. Congratulations! I know nothing about sugar cane burning! why is it done? does it smell 'sugary'???

  20. Happy Blogiversary :D I know the slump very well, but keep on! Your work is wonderful!!

  21. Happy Blogiversary! You have accomplished alot in the past year! Thanks for the giveaway, and that picture is a little intimidating.

    kelli dot sanders at comcast dot net

  22. Congratulations on one year of blogging! (and don't worry about missing the actual one year date, I realized three days after that I had missed mine)

  23. Congratulations on reaching a year of regular blogging! I have no idea how you regular posters stay so motivated to both make stuff AND write about it! ;) Thanks for the chance to win!

  24. Happy Blogiversary! You make beautiful things! Thanks for the chance to win a prize!

  25. Congratulations, your blog is entertaining and informative and I would not miss it for the world, or even chocolate cake. Pam

  26. Happy Blogiversary - I don't think I would get used to seeing a burn like this. Keep up the fun!

  27. I love your blog so keep up the good work :) Happy blogiversary! I would be worried the first time I saw all of that burning too!

  28. Wow a year already! Funny how quickly time passes. I've enjoyed reading and following in the time I've been on blogger.
    Thanks for the chance to win =D

  29. thats great fabric if you pick me.. thanks for the giveaway

  30. Happy Bloggiversary!! Mine is next week :)
    That picture is really scary!

  31. Happy first!! Here's to many more ;-)

  32. Happy first!! Here's to many more ;-)

  33. Happy Anniversary. Sorry about the slump - happens to the best of us. Hope you find something fun to work on to lighten things up!

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