Monday, August 20, 2012

Minor Progress

Woohoo, this weekend I was able to get some things done! 
I think i've realized the problem.. Picture this.. 

Sunny and 84-90 degrees typically..
no air conditioning..
kitchen and living space/sewing space essentially in the same room
throw a hot iron into the mix..
making for a really warm atmosphere right? 
Ugh I've realized any ironing needs to happen from 8pm on
which isn't super conducive to sewing..
Anyone else tired of my whining? hehe i'm done, promise!


Finished Nicole's block
for August for We Bee Modern Too

Also completed my 10 arcs for this week
as a sew along i'm doing with Rebecca
though, I think the heat got to me, I just realized there are 12 in this picture..

Anyway, thats it for the week
if you follow me on instagram
you know what's been occupying my time and will continue to do so!


  1. Way to bust those arcs out!
    Happy Monday

  2. <3 the stars, they make me happy....

  3. Ooh, I don't do instagram but I still want to know what's been occupying your time! Please??? ;)

    The block and arcs look great!

  4. Oh wow overachiever with 12 arcs :P

    I have 8...somewhere...we just kitten-proofed our apartment and now I can't seem to find them...hmm...

  5. I totally hear you on the warmth and having the iron on, I just had to suck it up the other day to get something done for a blog hop, but I was super grouchy!

  6. It been hot is awful when you need to iron something!

    Great block and the arcs look so awesome in those colours =D

  7. someday i will grow up and get a real phone and join the wonderful world of instagram! someday! xo love the stars and the arcs and no worries, just keep going to the beach, it will cool off soon enough.

  8. nice blocks! sorry the heat's made things more difficult!

  9. Your arcs look great! Hope things cool down a bit soon, I would be way more whingy than you :o)


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