Wednesday, March 28, 2012


I feel  like i'm lacking direction lately, so even though I don't have much in the way of progress, I decided to write a post to try and organize things..

Works in Progress
1. SHG QAL - top complete, need to make backing and quilt still

2. Granny Squares - Squares complete, needs sashing and backing still

3. do. good stitches - LOVE circle - No progress. BELIEVE circle - done. (Some of you may remember i'll be hosting the BELIEVE circle starting in April, but I need to finish my commitment for March to LOVE still..)

4. We Bee Modern Too - March block done.

New Projects
1. Surprise quilt

2. Retro Flowers QAL - More on that later :)

On Hold (but NEED to get finished)
1. Sew Cherry QAL - needs quilting
2. Swoon (both of them!)

I'm sure there's more than that but my brain seems to not be working.. notice the lack of finishes? Oy.

I'm attempting to "spring clean" my projects and i'm realizing I have a lot of quilt tops/blocks that need sashing that need to be finished. I'm hoping to get a lot of these done over my spring break (still 2 weeks away!) Hopefully more "real progress" to show soon :)

As always, I'm linking up with Lee


  1. Sashing is the worst for me because I've got all of the blocks made and I want to move on to the quilting, but these dumb little rectangles of sashing are holding me up. :)
    Your progress looks great.

  2. It's nice to see that someone else operates like me. My list looks similar to yours! I like the idea of doing a post like this......having it in writing rather than just floating around the brain. Take care.

  3. Oh I dislike thee. I can totally understand that! I stall out on sashing sometimes too, there are so much more fun things to be doing!

    I like the surprise HSTs. Looking forward to seeing what they become.

  4. Busy busy! I'm ignoring the top I have sitting there, unloved and unquilted ;o)

  5. Sounds like we all dislike sashing! But your projects look great and I really love the grannies. I think you must have the latest spring break in the country!

  6. Lots of lovelies waiting to be amazing finishes - you can do it!

  7. Such beautiful projects. LOVE the colors in your granny squares!

  8. I'm so with you on sashing! And I'm a serial offender when it comes to abandoning quilt tops. Lovely projects though :o)

  9. LOVE your granny square blocks!!

  10. Amen about the sashing. :) Everything looks great though. I love all of your projects.

  11. You do have a bit of finishing to do. But look how much have done! Those quilts are going to be amazing! Can't wait to see them finished :-)


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