Thursday, March 8, 2012

do. good stitches

So, remember that "exciting news" I mentioned earlier this week?
As some of you may know I'm a member of the LOVE circle at do.good stitches
Well, this weekend
I received a very exciting email from Rachel 
She wanted to know if i'd be interested in hosting my own circle!

So, ladies and gentleman may I introduce the BELIEVE circle of do.good stitches
My quilters are : 
Leona, & Vicki

My stitchers are: 
Courtney, Lorelai
and Kelli

As the BELIEVE circle we will be working with My Very Own Blanket
to help children in the US foster care system

Rachel gave me an amazing group of woman and i'm so excited to get this circle started
Be on the lookout, we start in April!

do. good stitches is currently 17 circles.. and counting
if you'd like to be a part of this check out the main flickr page and fill out a form
once there are enough people for a circle, another will be started


  1. You blog is so cute! I love the background images. So honored to be a member of the BELIEVE circle :)

  2. Your blog is so cute, love the background image! So happy to be a member of the BELIEVE circle, thank you again for agreeing to host all of us!

  3. Congratulations!!! That is awesome!

  4. That's great news. Congratulations =D

  5. Congrats! You'll do a great job! Glad to see a few of our We Bee Modern Too bees will be joining you.

  6. That IS very exciting!! Congrats!

  7. I am really excited to be a part of this!!

  8. I'm excited too! This is going to be a good thing. :)


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