Monday, March 5, 2012

The weekend of no sewing..

Or, very little..
Last week = insane with real job
this week = more of the same
this past weekend we were traveling so I brought some hand stitching, 
but I ended up driving most of it.. of course
Anyone else start to feel twitchy when they don't get some sewing time in?
Oh well..

I did manage to finish the baby quilt for my friend
Though I forgot to take pictures before I wrapped it up.
of course.

Last night I was able to grab a bit of time and start to organize the polka dot swap
still waiting on one, but the bulk of the organizing is now done!

I also received some VERY exciting news this weekend... but I can't share yet! :)

Hope everyone has a happy Monday!


  1. Can't wait to hear the news!! And can't wait to get the polka dots back ;)

    I'm having a green swap now over on my blog if you're interested!

  2. Sounds like hectic times! Glad you have some good news to take the edge off! ;-) Take care!

  3. looking great and i cant wait to see all the dots togeter !!looking forward to your news !!

  4. Oh my goodness, I definitely get twitchy if I don't get some sewing in. Usually for me it occurs when I have nothing on the go and am not sure what to make next.

  5. Yes it does feel strange to go a day without stitching. Even if it's something small it has to be done. Polka dots woooo!!
    Can't wait to hear what the news is =D

  6. Very exciting news that you can't share?! Tease!!! ;o)


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