Friday, May 24, 2013

Aloha Friday

Whew, even though its technically only Thursday night, I cant believe I made it and survived the week.. it has been a really long week, but honestly, i'm feeling good and staying positive. As a completely anxiety ridden person, I feel like not only did I survive the week, but maybe I made some personal jumps as well??

Anyway, here's a quick rundown. Wednesday, i'm driving to school, car seems louder than usual (I had a soft top convertible so its like driving in a wind tunnel all the time) - whatever, keep driving. I go home at the end of the day, now i'm thinking I may have a slow leak in my tire, but I checked them all and nothing, so okay keep going. I get off the Pali (windy highway in the cliffs for those of you that have been to Maui) and i'm in bumper to bumper so i'm driving slow and the car is wobbling. Okay, I KNOW thats not good. Pull into the gas station and check tires again.. nothing. So finally I look under the car, and see this..

Welp, that sucks.

Call AAA to come change the flat, and he can't get the spare to fit (the spare that came with the car and will definitely fit) - fine, what do I know. Tow it to Kahului 25 miles away because no one carries the tire size I need. Change tire, now the car wont reverse.. WHAT?!

Apparently front wheel drive cars cannot be towed by the back wheels, when the car is not running. You think a tow truck driver would know this? Nope. Transmission = dead. Chances of finding a Saab transmission in the middle of the Pacific = ZERO.

Car is dead in the water until we can locate one and ship it out. Such has been my week.

Last day of school tomorrow. Mentally exhausted. Sewing has taken a back burner. After lots of sleep, i'll catch up. Silver lining... That tire could have been a lot worse and caused a serious accident, so i'm thankful that wasn't the case, which makes the rest of this a nuisance, but tolerable... see why i'm proud of myself?? 

Happy Aloha Friday!


  1. Eeeek! That tyre is scary. I've driven a car with a flat before thinking 'What IS that sound?' Hate, hate, hate it! Hope the tow truck driver is having to take responsibility for the transmission. And yay for finding a bright side to this all. Now go enjoy the summer holidays.

  2. That does sound like a stressful week, pour yourself a large glass of something alcoholic and relax (but not for breakfast obviously). :o)

  3. Poor Jennifer!! I hope you get some compensation from the tow truck guys - and yes, you would think he'd know about the front wheel thing. Hope the weekend is better for you :)

  4. Well I'm proud of you too! Wow. As someone with anxiety I can understand your tendencies, and to stay positive through this is amazing. Way to go you!

  5. I am feeling your pain. I was rear-ended last Friday on my way home from work. 5 o'clock traffic in Dallas could have produced major problems but thankfully I walked away with a headache and my bumper has a ding. It could have been so much worse. Your situation is much more serious and I hope you get it fixed as quickly as possible. Keep your chin up!

  6. I'm so glad you discover the tire when you did. It's no fun (at all!) to have to deal with that kind of hassel, but I'm glad you're safe. It sounds like you handled all that stress like a pro. :) Happy last day of school!

  7. So sorry to hear that! I am glad you are staying positive, and I am proud of you too. I hope you get to reward yourself with a beverage of your choice when school is over!

  8. Hope you're having a big drink tonight to get over it!

  9. Yikes one of those week. It'll get better soon and plus you're in Hawaii lots to be happy about.

  10. That is one crazy car story. gee whiz! Good luck getting it all taken care of.


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