Friday, March 1, 2013

March - Year of Lovely Finishes

I can't believe its March already! The year is already starting to fly by.. I've been doing well with my year of lovely finishes so far, but I want to stay on track, so here's what I've got for this month.. I also have 2 weeks off, so I have big plans and i'm shooting big this month!

1. March - Snowflake Hexies -- 15 more this month.

2. We Bee Modern Too quilt - time to use up these blocks!

3. DWR quilt - cut out arcs and melons

I like this process of working on a few older projects each month in order to get them done
but i'm also trying to stall adding new projects until I finish my monthly goals.. Seems to be working but it's so difficult!! I have a million new projects I want to try!

Fingers crossed this month is as productive as the last.. 


  1. I still cringe when I see the WBMT blocks as I only half finished mine after running out of fabric - hope you were able to sort the block out! Lovely makes as always Jennifer :-)

  2. Oh the DWR colors you've. Chosen are so awesomely fresh and happy!

  3. The DWR quilt will be amazing. What fabric will you use for the background?

  4. Good luck! I'm liking the old & new mix too, I have a couple of oldies on my list for this month :o)

  5. Those arcs are looking so pretty. Luck on the projects.


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