Saturday, March 23, 2013

Birthday Fun!

Today's my birthday, so to celebrate
I wanted to share it with all of you!!

I'm officially in my


Anyway, I'm offering a giveaway for TWO winners!

I was going to pick a bundle or something, but then I decided its way more fun to be able to pick your own thing, so think of this as me giving you some birthday money to spend..

So, since I turned 25 today...

Two lucky winners will each receive 
$25 dollar gift certificates! 

We've got loads of new fabrics in the shop so be sure to check it out!

Anyway, onto the giveaway..

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Winners have been emailed. They have 72 hours to respond before new winners will be drawn!


  1. Happy birthday! Those of us in our mid twenties with March birthdays need to stick together ;)

  2. Happy birthday! Those of us in our mid twenties with March birthdays need to stick together ;)

  3. Happy birthday! You're much younger than I thought--you seem to have it very together for a 25-year-old!

  4. Happy Birthday! Asking me what i did for my 25th Birthday made me feel old, it was 12 years ago, so i must have been eating cake and drinking wine right!! :o)

  5. And thank you for the generous giveaway! :o)

  6. Happy Birthday! This makes me feel old, too.. ;) I honestly don't know what I did for my 25th birthday.

  7. Happy Birthday! You are of an age when birthdays are still something to celebrate. I think I can remember being that young. Oh yes, I think Ben Franklin had been playing around with a kite or something. Thanks for the chance to win.

  8. Happy birthday! Mine is next Friday and I'll be officially in the last of my roaring twenties. Time flies when you're busy enjoying yourself. :)

  9. Happy Birthday! There seems to be a lot of them at this time of year!

  10. I'm officially in my mid-forties - yikes! Happy birthday J!

  11. A very happy birthday to you. Hope it was a wonderful day.

  12. Happy Birthday! Hope you have a good one.

  13. Happy birthday! I hope you have a great day!

  14. Happy birthday! Lots of March birthdays out there! Mine was Monday and My sister's is tomorrow. Hope you have a fun day!

  15. Ha ha, happy birthday. You made me laugh thinking about mine! ;-)

  16. Happiest of Birthdays! How did I get so old!

  17. Happy Birthday!!! 25 is a good one. Fun thing to do: go change in 20 bucks for all quarters. Then go pay for things just using quarters. Makes you feel rich and hilarious.

  18. Happy birthday to you. happy birthday to you. Happy birthday . . . How nice of you to be giving presents on your birthday! Especially from your luscious Etsy Shop. I hope you get lots of presents too!

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. Happy bday. I hope the following year will be good to you.

  21. Happy Birthday! It must be so nice to be so young! If you can wait until July, I'd love to buy you a cup of coffee when I am in town.

  22. Happy birthday. I'm a March birthday. But I'm in my mid 60's!! Oh well, all's good. Thanks for the chance to win!!

  23. Happy Birthday Jennifer. Hope you have had a lovely day.

  24. Happy birthday! I hope you had a wonderful day!

  25. I hope you had a great day! 25 is a nice milestone number. I remember thinking when I turned 25 that I had officially lived for one-quarter century (and felt very wise as a result!). ;) Here's to the next quarter!

  26. Happy Birthday! Hope it's terrific!

  27. Happy birthday!! Hope you had a wonderful day :)

  28. Happy Birthday! I honestly don't remember what I did. Old age does that! I'm now 40. wink!

  29. Happy birthday! It was almost 15 years ago, I had a job I didn't like too much, and it was 1.5 years before I had my first baby. Life's changed a lot since then!

  30. Happy Happy Your birthday to you! I had chocolate cake for mine. I'm pretty sure there were friends involved somehow and that's all I remember :)


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