Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Just Three- December

I've been rocking and rolling this month, busting out projects and completing things on my list.. its an amazing feeling!! First, let's check out November..

November list-
1. Mystery Christmas Project- complete it. - Finished tonight! done! Full post after Christmas.
2. Commissioned Christmas Gifts -  15 down, 25 to go. complete it. - done! 
3.  Stockings and Tree Skirt -  complete it. -- done - full post after Christmas!

Phew.. On to December. I'll be traveling through December so my goals are minimal..

1. Sidekick Tote (small version)
2. Christmas order- custom order to finish and ship asap.
3. Hurricane Sandy Relief quilt - yellow/gray/black needs to be pieced /quilted/bound, and one more scrappy needs to be quilted/bound in NJ.


  1. You really have been going at it! Good luck doing what needs to be done in December AND enjoy the travel. I know it will be especially good for you to be back home this year!!

  2. You have been so busy! I am gone on vacation and surgery...and you are sewing away! Be safe and enjoy your travels!!

  3. Wow!!! seems to be all that I can come up with. You are rockin.

  4. I am SO jealous of your finished to-do list.

    I have one quilt still hanging over my head with a due date of christmas. >__<

  5. Woot, go you! Good luck with this month :o)


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