Thursday, May 8, 2014

Tula Sampler

Twice in one week I'm blogging and doing personal sewing?? I can't believe it either. Anyway, I was able to complete 8 more blocks this week which means I have officially completed all of he a categories in Tula's book except the half square triangles. For some reason this section is terrifying me which is strange because hat's I'm general are no issue for me. I'm hoping to get a bunch cut and sewn this weekend... Fingers crossed. Here's the 8 I did complete..

I'm aware I but the bottom piece in the wrong spot, but I decided it didnt matter so i'm leaving it :)

Fingers crossed I get some more done this weekend!


  1. I have been watching these quilts all over blogland and have been tempted to make one too. Yours is so pretty

  2. Those are so beautiful. Great work!!

  3. You're alot further along than I... Do I get credit for buying the book -lol-
    Your blocks look great.
    Have a wonderful day.
    Always, Queenie

  4. Looks great. That section wasn't so bad. Yep I got through that and stalled!

  5. You are getting SO close girl! Be brave!

  6. I know in at least one of my blocks a piece is in the wrong spot, and I probably have a wrong piece in a couple of others as well... but in the end there are so many blocks, is anyone going to notice? :)

    You're almost there!!


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