Wednesday, April 11, 2012

W.i.P. FAL style

This quarter, i'm working on my FAL list first! (or at least trying to)

Works in Progress-
1. Chasing Chevrons - quilt top finished

2. Crochet Lego blanket- more on this tomorrow!

3. Retro Flowers QAL - I decided to use my Hope Valley by DS - I cut all my pieces, and most of the white ones, just waiting to get started on them

4. Chenile Throw- more on this later

5. Swoon - I bought material for borders and backing, must get going on this, its the never-ending WIP

6. Granny Squares QAL - top done, backing and binding to do!

Okay, so technically thats more than what's on my FAL list.. but I MUST start getting things finished! I keep starting new projects and not finishing any! Whoops! :)


  1. Especially love the Swoon. Keep up the good work.

  2. Your Swoon is just too, too beautiful. It will be fun to see this finished. Love the grey in your Chasing Chevrons! Deb. :o)

  3. Great chevrons. Love that Hope Valley!

  4. Keep up the great work!
    Always, Queenie

  5. How did I miss this chasing chevrons quilt before? I love it! You've got some good looking wips girl. Can't wait to see them all finished up. :)

  6. I'm really looking forward for your flowers. I love the DS Fabrics!

  7. You're very talented... I *really* love the Chevron quilt, that totally rocks!! :)

  8. this work is fantastic!! I love the swoon quilt...and the fabric for your retro flowers

  9. So awesome!! The Chevron quilt is sooo fun!

  10. Cunning plan tackling those lists first, I seem to have managed to more or less body swerve mine so far!

    Still, glad you've started on them already, I'm all out of energy to poke you with a sharp pointy stick right now ;o)

  11. Your retro flowers will be stunning! Love all your wips :o)

  12. Chasing Chevrons is adorable and the Swoon pattern does eat a lot of time up yes--but in the end it will be worth your while!!

  13. Beautiful projects! Fun chevron and oh I love the Swoon!


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