Monday, January 4, 2016

2016 Goals and Resolutions

Well, it's safe to say I slacked off entirely on the blogging front in 2015. I'm going to try to rectify that in 2016. I have had a busy year and 2016 is shaping up to be the same way both professionally with Knotted-Thread and personally with the arrival of my first child any day now!

The year has just started and already my nesting has taken hold and I have a finished quill top to show! (more later) - for now, if you're interested in keeping up with my day to day sewing, i'd recommend following on Instagram (@knotted_thread) where i'm much more active :)

Be back later this week with a quilt finish and hopefully another finished quilt top to show!


  1. Yeah you've been busy and life is about to get busier! But wish you the best in both your business and family life - exciting times!

  2. We will happily wait for you to come back! Good luck with the new little one!

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