Wednesday, January 8, 2014

W.i.P. Tula Style

First big-ish progress of 2014. Continuing to work on my Tula 100 block sampler.
The quilt along itself is winding down and people are linking up finished quilts as we speak, 
i'd be happy to just get all the blocks done! 
I finished 22 more this weekend bringing my total to 63 out of 100 completed!

I've been jumping around the book so they're in order… but they're not in order :)

I've got most of the 90's left to go and the entire section on the HST's
for some reason i'm terrified of it and I keep putting it off.. 

Off to cut more blocks and hopefully get another set done this week!


  1. you are doing great. Keep going, it will look amazing once it is finished :-)

  2. I have 46 of the 100 done and I need to get going on that one again too! Great progress!

  3. It's been fun seeing these this week, and you are well on your way! The hst's aren't that bad!!

  4. They look brilliant! I love No.85!!

  5. Those fussy cut racoons are beyond fabulous.

  6. When I saw your thumbnail in the list, I knew what you were doing. My daughter gave me the book for Christmas, and I’ve completed Chapter 1. Here is the link to the collage:
    This is the first time I have had to work with color so intensely, and it was difficult for me. Some of mine turned out downright awful, but yours are beautiful. I am going to redo the ones I do not like before I start my assembling my quilt. Does the mixing of color - light and dark - and patterns come easily for you? Not for moi. I need to go back and look at your other blocks. You are almost through the book...that is SO exciting. I wonder when I am going to get to that point. I loved meeting you today. Will see you soon. genie

  7. Wow! These are beautiful blocks! I really, really must crack open that book that has been sitting on my shelf!

  8. We' re about at the same place I'm stuck in the 70s. Honestly picking out the right fabric takes the longest! Yours look great!

  9. Wow, you're doing really well! Thangles for the HSTs?

  10. Oh well done!! I think I'm still in the thirties but you are making me want to go and start again right now!!

  11. Thanks for the note. I am now photographing the squares with the pages like you have done, That was a brilliant idea. Today I made the simple rectangle #17, but did some of the seam by hand and some on the machine....NOT GOOD. The end square was not even. Oh, well...I learned my lesson.

  12. Your blocks look fabulous! I can't imagine making 22 in one weekend. Way to go, girlie!


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