Wednesday, October 16, 2013

What?!? W.I.P.

It has been AGES since i've had anything to share for work in progress
This past weekend I found myself with some free time, 
so I put the (sewing machine) pedal to the metal!

Finished - 
1. September Bee blocks -- only 2 weeks late..

2. T-shirt quilt order - for a college friend that i've been sitting on forever.

New Projects -- Too many to really count, but these are the in progress new ones..

1. Modern Maples

2. Diamonds in the Sky - EPP kit for Acacia by Tula Pink (we still have some kits available in the shop!)

I know it doesnt look like much, but man it was a whirlwind weekend.. and I so needed it!!
This weekend i'm hoping to get some more done, along with some craft fair items for the Christmas Shows I have coming up..

I'm finally linking up with Lee again!!

Be back tomorrow with some SALE items and new arrivals in the shop :)


  1. very nice--i'm working on a modern maples too!!

  2. Nice projects Jennifer. I haven't done a wip post in a little while, or any blog post for that matter. Instagram has taken over!

  3. I posted leaves today. Woot Woot. Keep on sewing. Everything looks awesome.

  4. Yay ;)
    It must have been a good international weekend for sewing xxx

  5. That modern maples seems to be everywhere right now! Love your version.

  6. Oh good, you do still remember how... tee hee :oD

  7. Lovely projects ...looking forward to seeing more.

  8. Gosh, I think it looks like you are working on a lot. All those little bee blocks! And I too am sitting on a tee shirt quilt - so kudos for that! I also like how striking the colors of the Tula blocks are.

  9. Love those bee blocks! What craft shows will you be doing? Sometimes I find that quilts I work on for friends sit the longest.

  10. Lots going on as always! I love that you've started a Modern Maples!!

  11. I too use to WIP post more frequently than lately, nice to see all that you have been up to.


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