Tuesday, August 13, 2013


Hey all, I'm trying to enjoy those last few moments of summer at home while unpack and set up shop in a space much smaller than I'm used to.. We're making it work though and I wanted to share some of the lovelies that have been showing up at our door!

Florence by Denyse Schmidt showed up yesterday

We've also been adding to our precuts section

We've added some Christmas precuts (I know its early!)
as well as some lush uptown layer cakes


I've personally decided its time to start using up my stash, after packing and repacking it and the thought of packing it again to move... i've had a revelation.
It needs to be used!!

So first up, my AMH voiles..

my helper loves it already..

Anyone else feeling supreme clean out mode? What's your favorite go to pattern?


  1. Another beautiful line by Denyse Schmidt, hey? I haven't visited your shop in a while so maybe I'll pop by for a peek. Though shopping won't be on my agenda too much in the near future since oldest son will be getting braces next month. Eeek!

  2. I'm in cleanout mode too - think you should jump on the bandwagon
    :) Where have you moved to? Elsewhere in Hawaii or back to the mainland?

  3. I love the new Denyse Schmidt fabric! Oh, might have to get some! My favorite go to is always flying geese anything. I just love how they look!


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